Open Packet Processor
Please note that even though this article is not endorsed by the BEBA Consortium, its contents may include some material that is under copyright of the Consortium.
BEBA research project has a strong focus on in-switch stateful packet processing for SDN networks. A first abstraction layer for state management and efficient packet switching was made available through the OpenState layer. This article presents an advanced concept that extends OpenState to provide additional functionalities, as well as better performances (in particular for hardware implementations): please meet Open Packet Processor.
A successor to OpenState
OpenState lacks simple registers
Open Packet Processor (a.k.a. OPP) is an advanced abstraction layer, still providing stateful packet processing facilities. In fact its design heavily relies on OpenState, and extends with two main additions: registers, and Boolean conditions on those registers.
Those registers are used to store values. For instance, they can be used as counters: it is especially useful to have counters for packet switching. They can be used to measure a number of packets, of connections, to collect statistics and so on. Advanced features such as service monitoring or attack detection, for example, make an extensive use of it. With OpenState, we have Mealy state machines that make it possible to use counter-based processing, but each possible value of the counter must be associated to a new state.
As each of those states must in turn be stored as a new entry into an XFSM table (please see the description of OpenState for details), the memory footprint increases very fast. And also, this may quickly become a pain to manage. Also, performing arithmetic and logical operations on those values tend to represent a non-trivial challenge.
Registers and Boolean condition
So instead of having an enormous amount of states to deal with counters, Open Packet Processor implements registers that can be used to store values. In a way, they are used like “variables” for traditional programs. There are two types of registers, and both can be updated with algorithmic and logical operations:
- Flow-based registers, that are associated to a given flow and retain a value related to the packets of this particular flow.
- Global registers, that are used as variables in which values for metrics related to the global traffic can be stored.
Of course, we do not store values for fun. So to actually draw benefits from those registers, we need at some point to evaluate their content and to check whether or not they verify some conditions, so that we know how to process the next packets. With Open Packet Processor, this is implemented as Boolean conditions, based on the current values of a subset of registers, that can be evaluated at any state transition.
Now that we have registers and conditions, let’s see how it translates into a simple use case. Imagine we have an application in which we want to forward the first five packets on UDP port 1234. With the previous model, OpenState, we need to chain 6 states to do so.
(Not represented: packets other than UDP on port 1234 do not trigger any change of state)
By contrast, with Open Packet Processor, we can use a register r0, and we only need two states. The register r0 is initialized at 0, and incremented each time a packet is received on UDP port 1234. For each of those packet, the Boolean condition “Is the value of r0 superior to 5?” is evaluated; if the answer is true, we change state and stop forwarding these packets. If, on the contrary, it is false, we remain in the same state.
Extended finite state machines
As a reminder, OpenState uses a Mealy machine, an abstract structure comprising a 5-tuple (S0, S, I, O, T), where:
- S is a finite set of states.
- S0 is an initial starting state S0, belonging to S.
- I is a finite set of input symbols (events).
- O is a finite set of output symbols (actions).
- T : S × I → S × O is a transition function mapping (state, event) pairs into (state, action) pairs. For “standard” Mealy machines, these transitions would be decoupled into two functions T : S × I → S and G : S × I → O.
With Open Packet Processor, we use an eXtended Finite State Machine (XFSM) extending the former model. This time, it is a 7-tuple (S, I, O, D, F, U, T), where:
- S remains a finite set of states.
- I remains a finite set of input symbols (events).
- O remains a finite set of output symbols (actions).
- D = D1 × D2 × … × Dn is a n-dimensional linear space (set of registers).
- F is a set of functions fi : D → {0, 1} (Boolean conditions on registers).
- U is a set of functions ui : D → D (register update functions).
- T : S × I × F → S × O × U is a transition function mapping (state, event, Boolean conditions) tuples into (state, action, register update) tuples.
This is exactly what we saw in the example above: states, and actions triggered on events. Plus registers, and on each event, the possibility to evaluate Boolean conditions on those, such that the result of this evaluation can affect the resulting state, action to perform, and may lead to a register update.
Concretely, this abstract model is implemented in the switch in the form of state tables and XSFM tables in a way similar to OpenState. We will not recall the details here, please refer to the additional resources at the bottom of this article for details.
Runs with TCAMs
So now we have a model to perform stateful processing. Fine. But why did we choose such a low-level model in the first place, instead of defining some higher-level API? The answer is simple: one essential strength of OPP is that it is particularly well adapted to run on hardware.
Indeed, the simplicity of the design makes it very close to hardware capabilities, while the expressiveness enabled by the use of registers and on conditions makes it almost as flexible as any ordinary programming language. This sounds promising: OPP provides a way to easily implement any stateful application, while maintaining a low number of CPU cycles for processing the packets! Concretely, the layer is ideal for being implemented on a FPGA that will act as the network processing unit for the system.
- Per-flow registers are stored in a RAM block, in a flow context table, along with pattern used for flow matching.
- Global registers are also stored in a RAM block.
- The XFSM table can be implemented as a TCAM. Conditions on the registers and event matching can use wildcards. The table returns the next state on which the transition is to end, the action to perform (drop, forward…), and a set of custom algorithmic and logics instructions used to update the registers.
- The update logic block is a parallel array of ALUs: it executes the microinstructions returned by the TCAM in order to update the registers.
In fact, the model uses the TCAM as the processing unit: it kind of replaces a traditional processor. This design presents the advantage of being platform-agnostic: the packet processing is guided by the model architecture, with the TCAM performing state transitions, and does not rely on any specific CPU architecture.
At this point, only the essential question remains: what about performances? I have not run tests myself, but the OPP article published by people from CNIT—who did implement OPP on a FPGA—says:
The system latency, i.e. the time interval from the first table lookup to the last context update is 6 clock cycles. The FPGA prototype is able to sustain the full throughput of 40 Gbits/sec provided by the 4 switch ports.
Not bad.
Processing network flows with FPGAs
We have seen that the goal of OPP is to provide very fast and flexible stateful packet processing and programmable actions. The reference use case for this design is, of course, network switching. In the context of BEBA project, OPP has been successfully implemented on a COMBO-100G card, with good performances (see citation above).
But beside switching, it is interesting to note that the OPP layer can also apply to more generic network processing units (NPUs), at a time when there is a rising demand for so-called “SmartNICs”. Indeed, a variety of FPGA-based network products have been hitting the market over the last few years, and their number keeps growing. It is expected that more and more SmartNICs and CPUs will combine FPGAs or other hardware packet processors—the estimate in the article is that more than 500,000 servers a year are to be equipped with such devices in the coming years—thus opening solutions for “smart” packet processing on the PCI boards as an alternative to the (less scalable) virtual switches running on dedicated CPU cores.
Would you like a few example names, maybe? Here are some available or future concepts of CPU-based PCI NICs, in no particular order:
- Cavium LiquidIO (“Application acceleration adapters”),
- Intel combined FPGA (from Altera, bought in 2015) + Xeon processors (it seems Intel started to ship a development module, but I could not find references about a product yet),
- Konic80 for Kalray (CPU-based accelerators),
- Mellanox BlueField (Network-oriented multicore SoCs),
- FPGA + ConnectX from Mellanox (The FPGA is attached to a programmable network adapter device),
- Napatech FPGAs (A series of FPGA-based network accelerators),
- Netronome Agilio (“Server adapters” based on cards with multiple hardware accelerators—“Flow Processing Cores”, “Packet Processing Cores” etc.),
- …
Hardware programmable switching seems to be in fashion, and Open Packet Processor is definitely meant to be part of it!
Additional resources
- All details, including background information, design, implementation, experiments, limitations and future work for OPP, are exposed in the related scientific publication by researchers from CNIT: Open Packet Processor: a programmable architecture for wire speed platform-independent stateful in-network processing Giuseppe Bianchi, Marco Bonola, Salvatore Pontarelli, Davide Sanvito, Antonio Capone, Carmelo Cascone — 2016.
- The model is also described in one of the project’s deliverables, D2.3, accessible from BEBA’s list of public deliverables.
- Extended finite state machine on Wikipedia.