This post was left aside as a draft for a long time. Most of it was written in December 2017. I publish it with the hope it can still be helpful today, even though the Cilium guide also covers the feature.

Arthur Chiao has kindly translated this post into Chinese (Simplified), in case you prefer to read in that language.

One of the most useful evolution of eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) over the old BPF version (or cBPF, for classic BPF) is the availability of a back end based on clang and LLVM, allowing to produce eBPF bytecode from C source code.1

From C to Object File

For example, a simple eBPF program returning zero can be compiled from the following code:

$ cat my_bpf_program.c
int func()
        return 0;

The command line looks like:

$ clang -target bpf -Wall -O2 -c my_bpf_program.c -o my_bpf_objfile.o

Note: some programs, more evolved than this sample, might need to pass the -mcpu option to llc and would use something closer to the following command instead:

$ clang -O2 -emit-llvm -c my_bpf_program.c -o - | \
	llc -march=bpf -mcpu=probe -filetype=obj -o my_bpf_objfile.o

This creates an object file in ELF format that contains the compiled bytecode. By default, the code is under the .text ELF section. Let’s dump it:

$ readelf -x .text my_bpf_objfile.o

Hex dump of section '.text':
  0x00000000 b7000000 00000000 95000000 00000000 ................

It worked! We have two eBPF instructions here:

b7 0 0 0000 00000000    # r0 = 0
95 0 0 0000 00000000    # exit and return r0

If you are not familiar with eBPF assembly syntax, you may be interested in this short reference (or at the complete documentation, but it is dense).

Down to the Instructions

Compiling from C to eBPF bytecode as an object file is really useful. The ELF file produced can be directly used to attach the programs to the various hooks: TC, XDP, kprobes, etc. Writing advanced programs as bytecode would be very time consuming, and as I finish to edit this article in 2020, leveraging more complex features such as CO-RE simply cannot be done by hand. Clang and LLVM are an integral part of the eBPF workflow.

However, it may not be a convenient solution for someone who needs to test a very specific eBPF instruction sequence, or to fine-tune a particular aspect of the program. What if I want to tinker with the instructions? What if I want to add a third eBPF instruction at the end of my program to set another value to register r0 after the program exited? Granted, this example is useless, but still, I should be able to try that!

To do so, we can:

  • Write an eBPF program in eBPF bytecode, from scratch. This is perfectly doable, but can be long and tedious, and absolutely not user-friendly. And to remain compatible with tools like tc, the program has to be turned into an object file anyway, which adds an additional step to the process.

  • Use an assembly language to write the program from scratch, at least not in bytecode, then compile it with a dedicated assembler (for example: ebpf_asm in Python by Solarflare).

As part of recent improvements to LLVM, another solution has emerged, and we can also:

  • Compile from C to an eBPF assembly language. Edit the assembly, then assemble it as bytecode in an object file.

Clang and LLVM now allow to do just that! Generating a human-readable version of the program on one side, then assembling it on the other side. Bonus: llvm-objdump can even be used to dump the program contained in an object-file.

eBPF Step by Step with LLVM

To use all clang and LLVM features presented in this section, you need to use these tools in version 6.0 or higher. It was the development branch when I started to draft this article, but by the time I finished it version 10 has been released, so it should not be problematic.

Compiling from C to eBPF Assembly

Let’s use clang to compile the same program as before from C to eBPF assembly. This is actually done in the same way as you would normally produce assembly for your processor from C source code, except you tell clang the target is bpf.2

$ cat bpf.c
int func()
	return 0;

$ clang -target bpf -S -o bpf.s bpf.c
$ cat bpf.s
	.globl	func                    # -- Begin function func
	.p2align	3
func:                                   # @func
# %bb.0:
	r1 = 0
	*(u32 *)(r10 - 4) = r1
	r0 = r1
                                        # -- End function

Great, now let’s modify it and add our instruction at the bottom!

$ sed -i '$a \\tr0 = 3' bpf.s
$ cat bpf.s
	.globl	func                    # -- Begin function func
	.p2align	3
func:                                   # @func
# %bb.0:
	r1 = 0
	*(u32 *)(r10 - 4) = r1
	r0 = r1
                                        # -- End function

	r0 = 3

Assembling to an ELF Object File

We can assemble this file into an ELF object file containing the bytecode for this program. It requires the llvm-mc tool that deals with machine code and comes along with LLVM.

$ llvm-mc -triple bpf -filetype=obj -o bpf.o bpf.s

We have the ELF file! Let’s dump the bytecode:

$ readelf -x .text bpf.o

Hex dump of section '.text':
  0x00000000 b7010000 00000000 631afcff 00000000 ........c.......
  0x00000010 bf100000 00000000 95000000 00000000 ................
  0x00000020 b7000000 03000000 b7000000 03000000 ................

The first two instructions are unchanged in regard to the original version of the program. The third instructions corresponds to what we added to the assembly file: it loads 3 into register r0. We successfully edited the instructions. We could now load the program into the kernel with bpftool, for example. Mission complete!

A Human-Friendly Output with llvm-objdump

Note that LLVM also provides a way to dump an eBPF object file in a human-readable fashion (since version 4.0, if I remember correctly). This is done with llvm-objdump:

$ llvm-objdump -d bpf.o

bpf.o:	file format ELF64-BPF

Disassembly of section .text:
       0:	b7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 	r1 = 0
       1:	63 1a fc ff 00 00 00 00 	*(u32 *)(r10 - 4) = r1
       2:	bf 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 	r0 = r1
       3:	95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	exit
       4:	b7 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 	r0 = 3

We get the assembly instructions, with the syntax used by LLVM (the one we need to write or edit eBPF assembly, so this is useful). Note the dead instruction we added at the end of the program.

In addition to the bytecode and assembly instructions, LLVM is able to embed debug symbols so they can be dumped for inspection. Concretely, we can have the C instructions at the same time as the bytecode. It comes handy to remember what your original program was, but most of all it is super helpful to understand how the C instructions map to the eBPF code. Embedding the instructions is done by compiling from C with the -g flag passed to clang. Let’s give it a try:

$ clang -target bpf -g -S -o bpf.s bpf.c
$ llvm-mc -triple bpf -filetype=obj -o bpf.o bpf.s
$ llvm-objdump -S bpf.o

bpf.o:	file format ELF64-BPF

Disassembly of section .text:
; int func() {
       0:	b7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 	r1 = 0
       1:	63 1a fc ff 00 00 00 00 	*(u32 *)(r10 - 4) = r1
; return 0;
       2:	bf 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 	r0 = r1
       3:	95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	exit

Note that we passed -g to clang, and that we also changed the command (now -S instead of -d) passed to llvm-objdump. The return 0; instruction appeared, and is mapped (placed just above) the relevant instructions in the eBPF program. Nice.

Inline Assembly

Since clang and LLVM know how to produce and compile eBPF assembly, there is another way to handle instructions. eBPF assembly can now be used directly inline in a C program, again to produce specific sequences in the bytecode. See the example below, somewhat inspired by the example from the BPF and XDP Reference Guide from Cilium.

$ cat inline_asm.c
int func()
    unsigned long long foobar = 2, r3 = 3, *foobar_addr = &foobar;
    asm volatile("lock *(u64 *)(%0+0) += %1" :
         "=r"(foobar_addr) :
         "r"(r3), "0"(foobar_addr));
    return foobar;

$ clang -target bpf -Wall -O2 -c inline_asm.c -o inline_asm.o
$ llvm-objdump -d inline_asm.o
inline_asm.o:	file format ELF64-BPF

Disassembly of section .text:
       0:	b7 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 	r1 = 2
       1:	7b 1a f8 ff 00 00 00 00 	*(u64 *)(r10 - 8) = r1
       2:	b7 01 00 00 03 00 00 00 	r1 = 3
       3:	bf a2 00 00 00 00 00 00 	r2 = r10
       4:	07 02 00 00 f8 ff ff ff 	r2 += -8
       5:	db 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 	lock *(u64 *)(r2 + 0) += r1
       6:	79 a0 f8 ff 00 00 00 00 	r0 = *(u64 *)(r10 - 8)
       7:	95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	exit

It produces an atomic increment of the value at the address pointed by r2. Because the instruction was written in the C source, we do not need the intermediate step of compilation to assembly.

Should we use inline assembly or intermediate compilation? Both methods are useful in my opinion: insert a couple instructions as assembly in your C source files, or create small programs for testing specific sequences of instructions. At Netronome, we have often used the latter for unit tests to check the eBPF hardware offload feature of the nfp driver.


In short, instead of compiling an eBPF program from C to an ELF object file, you can alternatively compile it to an assembly language, edit it according to your needs, and then assemble this version as the final object file. For this you need clang and LLVM in version 6.0 and higher, and the commands are:

$ clang -target bpf -S -o bpf.s bpf.c
$ llvm-mc -triple bpf -filetype=obj -o bpf.o bpf.s

And to dump that file in human-readable format:

$ llvm-objdump -d bpf.o
$ llvm-objdump -S bpf.o         # add C code, if -g was passed to clang

Additionally, the asm keyword can be used to include eBPF assembler inline in a C program.

eBPF assembly support in LLVM allows one to write any eBPF instruction sequence they want. Including bugged programs. Do not forget: Even if it compiles, it still has to pass the verifier. Good luck, and have fun!

  1. As I finish this article, there is now a GCC backend as well, but it seems nowhere as complete as the clang/LLVM version, which clearly remains the reference tool to produce eBPF bytecode. 

  2. See the BPF and XDP Reference Guide from Cilium for further information on the bpf target, and on the differences with the default target.